Thursday, 28 October 2010

Midterms: exams and elections

Hello all,

The past few weeks have been midterm season: this is the time were most classes give an exam on everything that has been taught so far. One thin I have notice though the American system of marking is completely diiferent. At Dundee I think 70% gets an A whereas here it is 90%. However the marking is a lot more generous with it possible to achieve 100% such an event back home is just not possible. Another thing American slow life is evident in their studying I asked one person "how much do you study for a midterm" his reply "Ohhh man I study load and loads for mine last year like 4 hours at least" I didn't think 4 hours was long at all. Indeed most just wait until the night before then study for about 2 hours and that's that. I'm normally at least a week before I start.

The midterm elections are not long a way at all 2nd Nov. I along with a few friends are attending a rally tonight for the local Congressman the same one as the Clinton rally was for. I am also heading back down to DC tomorrow until Sun night this if for another rally which is the "return to sanity". The march is to voice opposition to the series of right wing Tea Party events with around 200,000 people expected it should make for a good weekend.

Its Halloween this weekend which is a MASSIVE thing here!!! I have got a really good costume it arrived today but its a secret so no revealing you will all have to wait for the pictures. People decorate there houses with brilliant decorations making some houses look really spooky. There are pumpkin carving competitions a village parade and a whole weekend of parties.

I was interviewed for the university paper this week and it has come out really well. The article should be appearing online any day now so watch that space. Its an article on me being from Scotland living in American what I have found so far and a sort of biography.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

X is five :)

nice blog !