Sunday, 21 November 2010

Potter, Bob and classes

So last week me and a couple of friends decided at the last minute to to go see Bob Dylan in a place called Poughkeepsie where apparently he wrote some songs. The concert was amazing we arrived a little late which alowed us to sneak to the very front allowing us a full view of the man, the, myth and the legend. He tended to speak the classics with different music in an effort to reinvent his legendary songs and he also played his newer material. The concert was strange as I felt the band did not know what to expect next from him as they constantly watched his every move. Finishing on Like a Rolling Stone this night was amazing.

So America has been engulfed in Harry Potter mania this week. I had planned to go to the local cinema which was doing a midnight release on Thursday with a few friends. However we got there at 6pm to find a line but shortly they would sell out leaving us empty handed. Feeling very disappointing me and my friend Fiona began to plot possible alternatives to New Paltz cinema eventually arriving at the conclusion that it had to be a trip to New York. The night was full of very bad luck and illogical decisions but it was the best night I have experienced since getting here and defiantly one of the greatest in my life making my top 5 at least. We got a bus to Manhattan and from there the subway to Sheepheads bay which is near Coney Island  in Brooklyn which took about 1 1/2 hrs. The journey was again very exciting made better with great company and subway chat from randoms in which a man called Brian, 54 gave me a $25 coupon for Scottish Cashmere jumpers. Arriving in Brooklyn at around 1:30 we waited in the cinema after a strange taxi journey until 3am where we got into an Imax screen. The movie was very good for a Potter film but I could not help but feel the highlight of the night was not the movie. We left the cinema at 5:30 to walk though a rough part of Brooklyn to find the subway. New Yorkers days were beginning as we journeyed back to get the bus catching a glimpse in houses of people eating breakfast getting ready for their work whilst others slept as we zipped though the districts on the sub. We later went through a dark tunnel only to emerge crossing the Hudson with the Brooklyn Bridge and the financial district in full view as the sun swiftly rose on a city that does not adhere to the principles of  the night. Missing our bus we wandered thorough the never-ending Subway tunnels passing the endless army of workers who all appeared in perfect formation marching to the tubes. We then walked aimlessly around the Times Square area as the sun blindingly beamed down the grids picking up bagels. Then exhausted we returned to the bus station for the ride back to New Paltz.

International Students have to pick their subjects after New Paltz students which means you can get stuck with the rubbish. However for the one class I really want to do - UN Semester I managed to speak to the Professor and she allowed me in early. The class involves a weekly trip to the UN in NYC from 8am-6pm where you meet diplomats and members of UN bodies. The rest of my classes I need to sort out this week.

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