Wednesday, 2 March 2011


Budget cuts are now finally begining to be made here in America following Obama's bailout of the financial institutions. I fell that these decisions are now far past the conversation stage in the UK and are now being implemented with brutal effect across all sectors and especially education. As I was elected student senator for this semester at New Paltz I have gotten really involved in various meetings and decisions on budget cuts. As it stands at the moment New Paltz faces cuts of around $8 million (5.3 million pounds) and students are being severely limited in being able to voice their opinion on cuts as the administration seeks to run a tight information flow. There are actions being taken by us, students are walking out of class on march 8th and a rally is being held in Albany on March 15th. I fell however that if cuts are to be opposed both the SUNY (State University of New York which has over 50 campuses) and CUNY (City University of New York) system must work together. Without the national framework of a body such as the National Union of Students such mass protest by students becomes far more difficult in many ways. In addition by law professors and university staff are not allowed to strike and protest action is severely limited. These rights were signed away under the National Labor Relations Act 1935 (Wagner Act). I am applying to the university professors union, UUP,  for an internship and I'm really looking forward to opposing such unfair cuts by a government which called itself progressive, offering a strong inspiration of "hope". I along with many believed this marked a turning point in American history one towards inclusiveness, equality and a renewed global stance one which incorporated diversity in governing structure but as recent responses to the middle east and now such cuts show this is nothing more than a catchphrase administration finally having to bow to the price of campaign funding, forcing working class aspiring student to give up on ambitions once again strongly igniting American elitism.

If this is hope and change what does the future hold?

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